Monday, August 07, 2006

Barbeque and Karaoke

Weekends seem to get shorter since i started to work... well had a BBQ in my friends house over the weekend. i was in charge of getting the chicken and lam marinated and also making the potato salad... (both my specialities :P) well anyhoot we had it on a saturday at bout 7 pm... as usual i was a half hour late due to unforseen circumstances. when i got there i was greeted with a mob of hungry children and adults looking to skin and barbeque me instead of the chicken (he he he he joking). they are nice bunch of ppl.
so i started to get the fire going and started to sort my things out so i may get to barbeque 'ing ASAP. i took me less than 15 mins and we were in business... as usual i was my happy self in my element I lurve BBQ's. there were many people who "let go areoplane" (means didnt attend) so there was an overwhelming amount of food on the table. there were all sorts of delicacies... No photos too bad.. many people liked my BBQ chicke wings and lamb chops (enuff self praise balls getting too big)... alot of my colleuges children attended. the children were very adorable full of energy and spunk... sometimes i wished i had their energy and stamina... well all my bosses came as well... they were a sporting bunch joking laughing and making fun of everyone in such an informal way it seem that they were not my bossies for that few hours.. a big difference from my former department where the bosses were held in so high regard that no one joked and made fun of them at anytime whatsoever. this was a nice an refreshing new experience.
Ohh yah i brought my 2 snakes along as well... many the adults were afraid but most kids were more facinated than scared.. this make me wondered are kids more courageous than us adults... may be they have not learnt to be scared yet...
after all the good food and drink (alcoholic and non) started the session of karaoke... i must admit i am not a fan of this japanese invention... i do like music but not karaoke... maybe its just a bad past experience... when u say karaoke it conjures up images of old hokkien uncles belting out oldies from so singer in the 60's or auntie's belting out old Theresa Teng songs... "NI WEN WO AI NI YUO CHI FEN.... NI AI WO YUO CHI FEN...." yikes make me thing poor Theresa is probably turning in her coffin... i mean there are some good ones and some horrible ones... if you can sing please take the mike if not please let someone else do justice to the song... no wonder most karaoke joints have alcohol present when intoxicated everthing sounds and feels good... the general rule of thumb is if your singing is like a cat in heat dont sing in public...
My friend how ever did a respectable job of the karaoke session belting out new songs from SHE to Andy Lau and many more Hong Kong and Taiwan stars... me being the only BANANA(chinese who can only speak english) there didnt understand a single word the whole karaoke session...anyhoot after bout anhour i made my excuses and my depature... a long tiring evening but a happy and enjoyable one.

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