Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Freedom Lost?....

My FELLOW BLOGGERS... it is a sad day in Malaysia as our PM has announced that any blog spreading untruth or slander on the net can be charged or arrested... i wonder who will be judging these things or what will be considered an untruth or slander? are we to mute our collective voices and not comment on anything country related? if we make a comment about a political situations or politician will we be put into Jail.... is this the end of our "blogging" freedom as we know it... are bloggers going to be start going to jail over what they have said... I want to know your Opinions...

Have lost our freedom or not....?

link to the story on th STAR


Anonymous said...

oh the censorship...can they really do that on the internet?

Unknown said...

i dunno if they can trace it back to the source i guess so.. sad move by the malaysian gov.. well i guess we all have to live with it.. (malaysian's i mean)
hopefully they bark will be louder than their bite..
